
  • Alípio Casali


Ethics, Development of Potentíalities, Education


The aim of this essay is to point out some indications for a critical approach of ethics in education
The ethic quality of the educator’s action is here identified not in additional actions as an external
pedagogícal practice, but rather in its interiority. It is consídered that the ethic educator is not properly
he or she who gives good advice to his/her students or cultivates charity or philanthropy, but the one
who integrally and wholly fuIfills his/her pedagogical action accomplishing the potentialíties of
creation, reproduction, and development of his/her students’ lives


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How to Cite

Casali, A. (2007). “ETHICS AND EDUCATION: CRITICAL REFERENCES”. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (22). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/reveducacao/article/view/195


