
  • Ilma Passos Alencastro Veiga
  • José Carlos Souza Araújo


Teaching Ethics, Teaching Profession, Professional Ethics


The main purpose of this paper is to elucidate an analysis about ethics, specially the professional
one, trying to comprehend the teacher’s occupation through three complementary angles: a) ethicprofessional basis; b) the meaning of a professional ethics code, and c) an ethic dimension about the teacher’s occupation. It aims the comprehension of ethics as a social construction, founded on sociabilíty which is inherent to the professional practice. Therefore, the ethics issue, and specifically the teaching one, is a central dimension in the professional practice. The art of Teaching implies
fundamentally the relations that are part of it, parücularly inside the classroom. Accordingly, the
contents, the methods, the teaching techniques, the evaluation process, and the teaching aíms, involve fundamentally the professor and the student, while mediaüon characters seareh for the teaching and the learning.


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How to Cite

Veiga, I. P. A., & Araújo, J. C. S. (2007). ETHICS E TEACHING PROFESSION. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (22). Retrieved from


