
  • Ernesto Candeiras Martins


Post-Modemity, Post-Modern, Ethical Philosophy Of Certainty, Post-Modem Ethics, Post-Duty, Paínless Ethics, Axiological Horizon


The author intends to reflect upon the basic issues in the context of modernity and post-modemity:
the ethics of duty of absolute certainty and the eth ics of post-duty or moral uncertainty (post-morality) .
First the post-modernity concept in the philosophical and ethical field will be approached, supporting
itself in the scene of the global society and knowledge, which takes man to be post-modern without
knowing it and to live in uncertainty (ethical relativism) rather than in the absolute certainty of modemity. After that the author analyzes some arguments from the ethics of post-modernity, which
is an effect of the post-modem philosophy, highlighting the position of Lipovestky when appealing
to the intelligent and applied ethics (painless ethics), which was criticised by L. Ferry who supports
himself on Z. Bauman's concept of 'sacrifice’ which defends the ethics of responsibility against
individualism. The author finíshes proposíng an axiological reorganization in the dawn of the new
millennium, enhancing man as a whole and his way of being in the world.


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How to Cite

Martins, E. C. (2007). FROM THE ETHICS OF CERTAINTY TO THE ETHICS OF THE POST-MODERN VALUES. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (22). Retrieved from


