Uma proposta iluminista para Lisboa em 1755


  • Ivone Salgado Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas


higienismo, Iluminismo, urbanismo, projeto urbano, história da arquitetura, história do urbanismo.


The aüicte proposes to a lral),ze the dra\'ngs of Robert Adcun f(rr the recol'tstrtl.ctiolr of Lisbon dral\'i ngs b,bic 11 n,era colrceh'ed in Rome at the end of 1755, or in the begin ni11goftlle foIIou, ing Year, that were probably dereloped in the colltext of an acadelllic exercise relI' rntlcl1 in the stYle of the practices ilnpleule}Ited 111 the italic acudemic schools in tIte XVIII b’It ich 11,ere based on theoreticu{ re$ectior2s tou'eIras arclritecturat ttterlres. It is inteltdect to mIdI te a
coulparis07t bet 11'een tIre proposal _for tIre conceptiolt adopted to the urban and urchitectltrat project by the Polluguese eügineers for the reconstrrlction of Lisbon, in u7Lick precautiolls of regutaritl' and sr'rlzr7zeftl’ in the colllpositior2 of buildings are revealed atlcI respolld to classical
symuretl]' anti that b'ou.Id be closet) associatecito aXv11 traciitioll .Opposite to those ideas Robert Adrnn s dralvings syuthesize tIte English coltceptiolls of regular spaces reI’eating a nrn’ repertoire
of urbcut rllodels rt'here the r]ITthrttical re?etition of eleruentary geolnetrical shapes g;t'es to inten'elttions a "harTllonT" that is iluplaltted little try little like art urban orlra111ent specific from tIte Enlightertment Culture of the city. In the projects of the Scottish architect it is still obsen'ed an association u'itlr ttle specific llygienists conceptiolrs of the Enlightenmelrt C ulttlre
that are 11'Titter2 out in the nredical theories al70rlt the health oftlre cities.


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Author Biography

Ivone Salgado, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas

Professora doutora Programa de Pós-Graduação em Urbanismo CEATEC PUC-Campinas


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How to Cite

Salgado, I. (2005). Uma proposta iluminista para Lisboa em 1755. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, (3), 24–39. Retrieved from



Research Article