Urban Qualification Interventions

Insertion Indicators: The case of Santa Maria (Rio Grande do Sul)





Indicators, Microscale interventions, Urban issues, Urban qualification


Some dynamics existing in cities generate consequences that can become urban problems such as segregation, social inequalities, and criminality. In an attempt to understand how urban qualification interventions can bring more vitality to these areas, helping to minimize such problems, this research sought to develop a methodological procedure to identify ideal places
for the insertion of microscale interventions aimed at urban qualification in medium-sized cities. The methodological procedures developed and applied are divided into three stages and help to analyze the neighborhoods of the city of Santa Maria – RS under four chosen indicators. The indicators chosen for the analyzes and mapping carried out were data on economic vulnerability, crime, data referring to urban voids existing in the city’s fabric and data on community belonging and organization (obtained through interviews
with managers and municipal employees). These indicators present needs and potentials of the neighborhoods of the analyzed city, in this sense, at the end of the work it was possible to arrive at the result of the most indicated neighborhoods to receive urban qualification interventions in the city of Santa Maria.


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How to Cite

Correa, A. S., & Dorneles, V. G. (2024). Urban Qualification Interventions: Insertion Indicators: The case of Santa Maria (Rio Grande do Sul). Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, 21, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.24220/2318-0919v21e2024a6539


