Urban fictions

form and memory of Rua do Catete





Palace of Memories, Urban Form, Urban Landscape


The evolution of the city of Rio de Janeiro was marked by influences and impacts that are reflected in its landscape and current urban form. The construction of the subway, in the 1970s/80s, is a case of exemplary urban intervention that significantly marked the morphology of some neighborhoods in Rio. The current configuration of Rua do Catete (Catete Street) is the result of the combination of preserved stretches, with buildings built on land remaining from demolitions, and
persistence of urban voids, without clear articulation. The objective of this article is, therefore, to present an analysis of the morphological alterations verified in Catete Street since 1960 and to indicate the changes promoted in its physical and historical stratum through narratives provided by the juxtaposition of memorial accounts. This action aims to highlight the current complex scenario and reinforce the connection among memory/physical space/local uses and practices, which is part of a larger research, coming from a
master's dissertation. The research methodology is configured through the combination of an approach by form, study of narratives, and the ‘Palácio de Memórias’ (Palace of Memories) method – applied to Catete Street –, ratifying one of the main points for this work: the need to learn from the records and changes of the past to understand current needs. Thus, this
article leads to conclusions that allow to evidence that the de-territorialization and territorialization of urban spaces need to be questioned through micro-scale contributions, those that allow looking at the user and the phenomena in a systemic way to the form.


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How to Cite

Santana, E. P., Ávila, P. P. ., & Garro, J. A. A. . (2023). Urban fictions: form and memory of Rua do Catete. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, 20, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.24220/2318-0919v20e2023a5256



Research Article