First Critical Approaches To Policies To Control Ads In The Urban Landscape

The Case Of São Paulo, Brazil


  • Vanessa Casarin Universidade Federal de Santa CatarinaCentro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo.
  • Alina Gonçalves Santiago Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, ograma de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo.



Outdoor advertising, Urban landscape, Public policies, Visual overload


Outdoor advertising billboards have been scattered around medium and large cities in a disorderly manner, causing damage to cities and users and contributing to urban visual pollution. Damage is greater in countries such as Brazil, which has no financial policies at adequate levels to invest in the preservation and qualification of public space, or more effective laws duly enforced and supervised, with respect to the use of visible advertisements in urban centers. After implementation of the “Clean City Law” the city of São Paulo, in Brazil changed the appearance of its landscape significantly, however it went through a long process until this legislation was implemented. This research was conducted with the goal of understanding the different nuances of the process of implementing policies and regulations that concern the visual quality of the urban landscape in facing the exploitation of public space by advertising activity. The research approaches the spectra of specialist opinions (represented by the various interested sectors) about the process of regulation that has occurred in São Paulo. The study had a qualitative approach and involved holding face to face interviews with the actors involved. Preliminary findings point out difficulties in confronting private interests in the exploitation of public space, in spite of implementation of the law having provided significant improvements in the landscape. This shows evident need for policies and rules for the establishment and maintenance of a good visual urban quality.


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How to Cite

Casarin, V., & Santiago, A. G. (2013). First Critical Approaches To Policies To Control Ads In The Urban Landscape: The Case Of São Paulo, Brazil. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, 10(1), 43–55.


