The concept of cooking skills: A review with contributions to the scientific debate


  • Manuela Mika JOMORI Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Francisco de Assis Guedes de VASCONCELOS Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Greyce Luci BERNARDO Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Paula Lazzarin UGGIONI Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Rossana Pacheco da Costa PROENÇA Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Cooking, Convenience foods, Dietetics, Food handling, Meals


This paper aimed to conduct a literature review about the concept of cooking skills to contribute to the scientific debate about the subject. A systematic search was performed in the Scopus, PubMed/MedLine and Web of Science databases as well as the periodicals of the Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education in Brazil Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior website, using the following Portuguese and English keywords: cooking skills, cooking and food/meal preparation. We also consulted references cited by these papers, electronic dictionaries (in Portuguese, English and French), technical documents found on public and private institutional websites, as well as books. Basic, etymological/vernacular and systematic definitions for cooking were identified, including historical global and national contexts. To conceptualize cooking skills, categories related to food and individuals were established, purposing a conceptual model. The category related to food referred to the use of unprocessed/minimal processed foods (which require procedures prior to their preparation), and/or processed/ultra-processed foods (which need a little or no preparation, such as re-heating). The category related to individuals involved dimensions such as confidence, attitudes, behavior, and individual knowledge used to prepare foods. The historical definitions of cooking allowed us to clarify the concept of cooking skills. Considering the global context of valuing and recovering cooking for the promotion of healthy eating, this review can contribute to the scientific discussion about the concept of cooking skills. The purposed conceptual model enables parameters to be established for further investigations, allowing cooking interventions to be directed toward promoting healthy eating.


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Como Citar

JOMORI, M. M. ., de Assis Guedes de VASCONCELOS, F., BERNARDO, G. L. ., Lazzarin UGGIONI, P. ., & Pacheco da Costa PROENÇA, R. . (2023). The concept of cooking skills: A review with contributions to the scientific debate. Revista De Nutrição, 31(1). Recuperado de

