Ingestion of a drink containing carbohydrate increases the number of bench press repetitions
Nutrition, Strength, SupplementationResumo
The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of carbohydrate ingestion prior to exercise on the number of bench press repetitions.
Eight male physically active (21.3±2.7 years, 176±5cm, 73.12±6.12kg), with a minimum experience of at least one year exercising regularly, visited the laboratory at three moments. During the fi rst visit, candidates went through their anthropometric evaluation and the application of their maximum number of bench press repetitions. The experimental tests were performed during their second and third visits in a crossover and blind study. The participants performed the maximum number of repetitions with an intensity of 70% of their maximum repetition strength. One hour before the experimental trials, participants randomly ingested a solution containing either carbohydrate or a placebo.
The ingestion of carbohydrate increases muscle resistance in relation to placebo (p=0.014; effect size=0.71). This is evidenced by the increase in the number of repetitions (12.9±2.4 and 11.3±1.9, respectively). The individual’s perception of effort is higher in the carbohydrate group than in the placebo group after exhaustion (4±0.93 and 3.1±0.64, respectively, p=0.006, effect size=0.89).
Conclusion It is concluded that a previous intake of carbohydrate is useful in improving performance in resistance exercises, providing a increase in the individual’s perception of effort.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Maryssa Pontes Pinto dos SANTOS, Higor SPINELI, Victor José BASTOS-SILVA, Sara Kely LEARSI, Gustavo Gomes de ARAUJO

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