Cooking Skills Index: Development and reliability assessment


  • Carla Adriano MARTINS Universidade de São Paulo
  • Larissa Galastri BARALDI Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Fernanda Baeza SCAGLIUSI Universidade de São Paulo
  • Betzabeth Slater VILLAR Universidade de São Paulo
  • Carlos Augusto MONTEIRO Universidade de São Paulo


Cooking, Reproducibility of Results, Self-efficacy, Surveys and Questionnaires


Describe the development and the reliability assessment of an index that evaluates the confi dence in performing cooking skills considered relevant in Brazil.

The development of the Cooking Skills Index was based on the self-effi cacy beliefs and its theoretical reference was the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population. It measures, from zero to 100, the degree of confi dence in performing ten cooking skills considered as facilitators for the implementation of Brazilian Dietary Guidelines recommendations. Experts (face validity) evaluated the index. A pilot study (n=10) and a test-retest (n=51) was conducted by telephone interviews and computerized assistance with adults responsible for food preparationat home in São Paulo. Reliability was assessed by Cronbach’s alpha, quadratic weighted kappa and prevalence and bias adjusted kappa.

The Cooking Skills Index was coherent with the adopted theoretical framework according to the experts. It was fast and easy to apply to the participants. It showed a good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha >0.70) and an acceptable to excellent reproducibility (weighted kappa=0.55, adjusted kappa=0.89).

The Cooking Skills Index has a good reliability and is therefore recommended to evaluate cooking skills confidence in Brazilian studies developed in contexts similar to those of this study.


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Como Citar

MARTINS, C. A. ., Galastri BARALDI, L. ., Baeza SCAGLIUSI, F. ., Slater VILLAR, B., & MONTEIRO, C. A. . (2023). Cooking Skills Index: Development and reliability assessment. Revista De Nutrição, 32. Recuperado de

