Adolescent in assisted freedom and the school
Adolescent, Adolescent in conflict with the law, School, Assisted freedom, Socio-educative measureAbstract
This study aimed to investigate the portrayals and images of education professionals and students with regard to adolescents who have committed offenses and were serving socio-educational measure of assisted freedom, as well as their relationships with the school and the portrayals and images they have about school as an institution. To this end, we interviewed students from schools in the city of Americana, in the state of São Paulo, in 2007. Teachers, classmates, employees and managers were also given the opportunity to be heard. In interviews with the teenagers, we attempted to find out what the school represents to them and to identify their portrayals and images. In other statements, we sought to understand the conceptions built around these students, how the schools have worked to include or exclude them in the formal processes of schooling and how these portrayals and images fit into daily relationships and determine the form of action.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ivani Ruela de Oliveira SILVA, Leila Maria Ferreira SALLES
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