Breathing and relaxation training for patients with hypertension and stress
Blood pressure, Hypertension, Stress, Relaxation therapyAbstract
This study evaluated the effects of the relaxation and breathing training for hypertensive patients on the index, levels and symptoms of stress and blood pressure among hypertensive patients suffering from stress. Nineteen patients from a hypertension and diabetes program in Rio de Janeiro participated in the study that which used, as instruments, Lipp’s inventory of stress symptoms for adults, the psychological interview for hypertensive patients, the relaxation and breathing training for hypertensive patients protocol, weekly registration form and blood pressure monitors. The experimental group received the relaxation and breathing training for hypertensive patients in 13 sessions of 60 minutes and had blood pressure monitored before and after each session. The control group had blood pressure monitored weekly. It was observed that the relaxation and breathing training for hypertensive patients reduced the stress index and symptoms in the experimental group in isolation, except when compared to the control group. However, it did not reduce the levels of blood pressure in the experimental group in comparison to the control group. The results report that, besides the relaxation and breathing training for hypertensive patients, other strategies are necessary to control stress and hypertension.
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