Identificação de estratégias cognitivas: um estudo comparativo.


  • Carmen Flores PUCC


cognitive strategies, assessment, cognitive psychology


The study purposed to find and compare the usage of cognitive strategies of psychometricaly differentiated goups. Twenty-one children participated in the study, divided in 3 groups: GI (IQ 101-116), G2 (IQ 85-100) and G3 (IQ 69-84). In an informal evaluation, subjects were asked to solve the administrative problems of one imaginary city created by the author. The intergroups analysis has shown that the goup G1 and G2 differentiated in the usage of one cognitive strategy, the group G2 and G3 differentiated in four strategies and the group G1 and G3 differentiated in fifteen cognitive strategies. 


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How to Cite

Flores, C. . (1994). Identificação de estratégias cognitivas: um estudo comparativo. Psychological Studies (Campinas), 11(3), 11–26. Retrieved from