The psychology as profession in the health area, the practice, the supervision and the research: report of one experience


  • Vera Lucia A. Raposo do Amaral PUCCAMP
  • Gervásio Ossao Yoshida SOBRAPAR


Psychology as Protession, Health Psychology, Research, Practice and Supervision


The aim of this article is to describe a health psychology experience in a hospital specialized in the rehabilitalion of facial disfigurement. The authors report their practical experience, the research and supervision in a interdisciplinaty team. They emphasizes the role of the scientific investigation linked to lhe questions emerged in the professional practice and interdisciplinaty interactions. They especify lhe programs in clinical practice and the supervision and teaching models. They present their evaluation task and conclude by lhe importance of lhe envolvement of the professional in research that could support their practices. They present lhe summary of one case as an example of the long term interdisciplinary treatment.


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How to Cite

A. Raposo do Amaral, V. L. ., & Ossao Yoshida, G. . (1993). The psychology as profession in the health area, the practice, the supervision and the research: report of one experience. Psychological Studies, 10(3), 85–94. Retrieved from