'Concreta' and 'abstract thought in children and adults: an evalustion through interpretation of proverbes.


  • José Fernando Bitencourt Lomônaco USP
  • Cláudia Dechichi UF Uberlândia
  • Maria Terezlnha Cassi Pereira Yukimitsu Univ. São Judas


though concret , thought abstract, proverbs


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the degree of ocurrence of the types of "concrete" and "abstracr” thought in relation to the variables age and gender of the subjects. The types of thoughts was evaiuated by the Brazilian Test of Proverbes (Teste Brasileiro de Provérbios). The subjects were 53 children, students of the third grade of elementary school, with ages ranging from 9 to 13, and one group of 26 adults, that participated in a course of aiphabetization, with ages ranging from 15 to 48. It was observed that: a) adults gave a significantly greater number of abstract answers than children; b) the children gave a significantly greater number of concrete answers than the adults; c) the female subjects gave a significantly greater number of abstract responses than the maie subjects; d) the male subjects gave a significantly greater number of concrete responses than the females.


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How to Cite

Bitencourt Lomônaco, J. F. ., Dechichi, C. ., & Cassi Pereira Yukimitsu, M. T. . (1993). ’Concreta’ and ’abstract thought in children and adults: an evalustion through interpretation of proverbes. Psychological Studies, 10(3), 09–20. Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/8133