
  • Herminia V. de CASTILLO Professora da Universidade Pedagógica Libertador. Núcleo Maracay-Venezuela


This study was designed to teach children with some behavioral déficits but presenting learning possibilities. According to the subject learning levei this work was planned to verify: the efficienncy of the programa Leitura Crítica (Witter, 1985) in the production of textual, elaborated and discrimination between fantasy and reality responses by pupils. Seven children, aged between 11 and 12 years and coming from socioeconomical desadvantaged place were subject in the experiment. Ali of them were attending a special educacion school at Maracay-Venezuela. The experimental study presented the traditional situations: Pre-test - Especific training and Post-test, using 19 forty minutes training sessions. The results showed a real progress in children's behavior and the efficacy of training with those kind of teaching programs.


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How to Cite

V. de CASTILLO, H. . (1990). LEITURA CRÍTICA EM CRIANÇAS COM DÉFICITIS COMPORTAMENTAIS. Psychological Studies, 7(2), 05–38. Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/7938