In contrast to previous approaches to human development that suggest that it ends with adolescence, six theories focussing on (a) chronological age, (b) stage, (c) individuality, (d) life-span, (e) transition, and (f) an eclectic modeI offered by Schlossberg (1981), are considered. As an example, data gathered from a group of Brazilian students studying for advanced degrees in the USA are analyzed in light of this latter theoretical model. Utilizing mail survey data, responses to open ended questions regarding perceived changes in the individuais outlook on life, as well as self reports regarding problems of adaptation to various aspects of the daily life in the host country were analyzed. Schlossberg's model did prove useful as a framework to conceptualize the situation of foreign students in a host country in terms of adult human adaptation to transition and to point to the different sources, of stress confronted by the students.
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