
  • Elvira Conceição de Abreu e Meio Wagner Instituto Sedes Sapientiae, São Paulo.
  • Anita Liberalesso Neri Instituto de Psicologia da PUCCAMP e Faculdade de Educação da UNICAMP


A 12-item questionnaire assessing opinions about aging was designed and administered to 360 subjects whose ages ranged from 14 to 45 anos, grouped, by age, sex and instruccional level criteria. The questionnaire covered four themes - a) characterization of aged person by biologiazl, psychologiazl, social and chronologiazl criteria; b) social and familiar relationships; c) negative stereotypes about aged persons; and d) expectancies about own aging. The optained opinions were ranged in 4 cathegories and 17 subcathegories. The data revealed great variability of opinions, analysed as a reflection of the confusion about aging, existing in the society. ln a general manner, aging was relationed with loses, negative characteristics and more need for care. The myths about extensive family and about tradicional roles of the aged were confirmed. Males, more than females, emphasized loses and need for retirement in aging, while females emphasized the negative characteristics of the aged person. The adolescents and youths were less restritive than older adults about the leisure, fashion and independence of the aged. The males see himself as independents and actives, when aged, while the females accentuated positive fellings and auto-gratification. Independently of their scholarity level, the subjects showed conservativeness about the roles of the aged in family. The subjects with elementary scholarity leveI emphasized the aged's right to retirement.


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How to Cite

Conceição de Abreu e Meio Wagner, E. ., & Liberalesso Neri , A. . (1985). OPINIÕES DE PESSOAS DE DIFERENTES FAIXAS ETÁRIAS SOBRE VELHICE: UM ESTUDO EXPLORATÓRIO . Psychological Studies, 2(2-3), 81–104. Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/7754