A Comparative Experimental Analog Test of the Beck and Reformulated Seligman Models
Aaron Beck's "cognitive schema model" and Martin Seligman's "reformulated learned helplessness model" of depression were compared. Post-performance causal ascriptions for success and failure of 48 depressed and 48 non de pressed college students on an experimental number-prediction task, and the relationship between self-esteem and depression in the total sample of 262 subjects, were assessed. Results, indicated that depressed subjects attributed their failure to internal factors and their success to external factors to a significantly greater extent than did nondepressed subjects, as predicted by both models. Learned helplessness predictions regarding stable vs. unstable, global vs. specific and personal vs. universal conditions were not supported. Depressed subjects were found to be significantly more pessimistic than nondepressed subjects in their confidence for succeeding on the task. The correlation between self-esteem and depression was -.58 and was only reduced to - .56 by partialling out internality.
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