
  • James E. Kantner Ohio Academy of Sciences / Diocesan Consultation Center, Toledo, Ohio.


Low moral judment is viewed as an important contributing factor to anti-social behavior. Studies have reported significant relationships of criminal behavior with measures of social cognitive development. In the current study, 157 incarcerated adult offenders were given the Defining Issues Test, an objective measure of moral development. A three year follow-up study was completed to investigat te relationship of moral judgment and committing offense, release site, parole adjustment and recidivism. The study found no relationship between moral judgment, committing offense and prison release. Exit fron different prision security levels was related to parole outcome. Problems with using the Defining Issues Test "P" Score in offender populations are discussed. 


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How to Cite

E. Kantner, J. . (1985). JULGAMENTO MORAL E COMPORTAMENTO CRIMINOSO: UM ESTUDO DE SEGUIMENTO DA SAÍDA DA PRISÃO E ADAPTAÇÃO À LIBERDADE CONDICIONAL. Psychological Studies, 2(1), 54–60. Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/7744