
  • Vera Lúcia A. Raposo do Amaral Departamento de Psicologia Escolar - PUCC
  • Raquel Souza Lobo Guzzo Departamento de Psicologia Escolar - PUCC


The purpose of this paper was to appraise the methalinguistic awareness (th ability in changing two lingustic code), inpreschool bilingual children and, also to evoluate th role of school in front of these children. 

Were subject of this ressearch twenty two children (eleven boys and eleven girls) fron two to six and half years old, ad eight teachers fron five private schools in Campinas. 

The children were submited to a short figure recognition test in both language. The teacher answered questions about their bilingual studentes. 

The results show that the two to four years ld children don't succed in changing the linguistic cod under verbal orders. 

Only onde of the school related curricular program for bilingual children. The Teachers of this school relatd no difference between bilingual and unilingual children. 

The importance of preschool in languagem acquisition, verbal comunication and social integration of bilingual children were discussed by the autors.


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How to Cite

A. Raposo do Amaral, V. L. ., & Souza Lobo Guzzo, R. . (1985). A CRIANÇA BILÍNGUE E A PRÉ-ESCOLA. Psychological Studies, 2(1), 43–53. Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/7742