
  • MAURÍCIO KNOBEL Departamento de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Clínica da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas e Departamento de Psicologia Médica e Psiquiatria da FCM da UNICAMP


A therapeutic relationship implies an encounter between a person who suffers and another one, adequately trained, who can or must intervene to alliviate, better or eliminate the presenting pathological elements. The main instrument is an interpretation, which is a verbally expressed working through of a whole psychodynamic conceptualization. Some verbal interventions formulated within other theoretical referential frameworks are also useful when confirmed by experience. The same can be said in regard to "actings", "dramatizations", and diverse non-verbal communication modalities. Even an apparently verbal communication has also non-verbal elements which must be valued and utilized. Transferential and counter-transferential phenomenae can be verbally or extraverbally expressed indicating the factibility of a possible therapeutic relationship. The hysterical, fobic, obsessive, paranoid, melancholic, psychopathic, ambiguous and autistic relational modalities are generally expressed in a non-verbal way. The different psychotherapeutic techniques must be evaluated without preconceptions in regard to its value as a referencial theoretical thought or its efficiency as a clinical instrumento It is proposed that the concept of playing adolescent interpre[1]tation" can be used as a verbal, dramatic, gestural and interpretative therapeutic model. A conceptual integration is pursued, without theoretical dogmatisms, valuing non-verbal techniques and the understanding of communication as the basic element in psychotherapy, without denying the hierarchic value of wording.


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How to Cite

KNOBEL , M. . (1984). PSICOTERAPIA: COMUNICAÇÃO VERBAL E NÃO VERBAL. Psychological Studies, 1(2), 51–64. Retrieved from