Teachers’ perception about genes and behavior



Educational environment, Behavior, Genes, Social perception, School teachers


Knowing about teacher perceptions contributes to the understanding of teachers’ attitudes toward the behavior of their students. We evaluated the perceptions of 501 teachers about the genetic and environmental infl uences on behaviors considered relevant to the educational environment using an original questionnaire from the United Kingdom, adapted to the Portuguese language of Brazil. We found that the teachers attributed genetic and environmental infl uences evenly regarding personality and learning diffi culties; greater genetic infl uence on intelligence and mental illness; and greater environmental infl uence on behavioral problems. Most teachers stated that having a student with genetically infl uenced learning diffi culties would affect their method of instructing them.


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How to Cite

ANTONELLI-PONTI, M., VERSUT, F. M., & DA SILVA, J. A. (2023). Teachers’ perception about genes and behavior. Psychological Studies, 35(4). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/7477