An initial study of the Internal Validity of the Portuguese Adaptation of the Marital Social-Skills Inventory
Conjugality, Cultural adaptation, Marital Social-Skills Inventory, Social skillsAbstract
In this study, we evaluated the internal structure of the Portuguese version of the Marital Social-Skills Inventory. After adapting the language of the inventory from Brazilian to European Portuguese, it was tested with 540 Portuguese respondents (20 to 70 years of age), who had been in a stable relationship for at least one year. A principal componentes analysis (n = 310) suggested that the internal structure includes four dimensions: Expressiveness, Self-affirmation, Self-control and Assertive Conversation. This structure was tested using a confi rmatory analysis (n = 230), yielding satisfactory indicators of overall adjustment. Cronbach’s alpha values for the fi rst three dimensions indicated good internal consistency. The internal structure of the Portuguese version of the Marital Social-Skills Inventory-Villa & Del-Prette is coherent with the original structure, and psychometrically sound for the evaluation of marital social-skills among Portuguese couples. Thus, this instrument can be a useful tool in assessment and intervention work with couples.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Joyce Cristina dos Santos AGUIAR, Marisa MATIAS, Elizabeth Joan BARHAM, Anne Marie Germaine Victorine FONTAINE, Zilda Aparecida Pereira DEL PRETTE
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