Guidelines for conducting and publishing systematic reviews in Psychology



investigation, Meta-analysis, Research design, Review literature


The systematic review refers to the literature review guided by scientifi c methods explicitly intended to reduce bias, resulting in a synthesis of all relevant evidence for a given issue. In Brazil, specifi cally in Psychology, systematic review is found in the literature; however, the available studies do not always refl ect the gold standard or what is expected in terms of typical systematic review procedures. The present study is structured in the form of a didactic guide, organized in topics, which should be typically contemplated in an systematic review in Psychology. The information that must be contained in each of these topics is indicated, including which procedures should be performed in the typical steps of the development of an systematic review. The present publication intends to increase the interest and investment of researchers in systematic review, providing them with information to improve the quality of systematic review in the area of Psychology in Brazil.


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How to Cite

CARVALHO, L. de F., PIANOWSKI, G., & SANTOS, M. A. dos. (2023). Guidelines for conducting and publishing systematic reviews in Psychology. Psychological Studies, 36. Retrieved from

