Validity evidences regarding the Authentic Leadership Inventory



Leadership, Psychometrics, Statistical validity


Authentic leadership consists of a pattern of behavior based on positive psychological capacities and on an ethical and moral climate. The study evaluated the internal structure and convergent validity of the Authentic Leadership Inventory. The sample consisted of 548 workers from public and private organizations of both genders, who responded to the initial version of the scale, containing 14 items, distributed among four factors: self-knowledge, relational transparency, internalized moral perspective and balanced processing. The confi rmatory factor analyses showed that the best fi t model was the four fi rst order factors with a second order factor, which fully confi rmed the original scale model. Authentic leadership had positive correlations with transformational leadership, job satisfaction, work engagement, and affective organizational commitment. The evidences of validity obtained recommend the use of instrument in future researchsituations.


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How to Cite

NOVAES , V. P., FERREIRA, M. C., & GABARDO-MARTINS, L. M. D. (2023). Validity evidences regarding the Authentic Leadership Inventory. Psychological Studies, 36. Retrieved from

