Gender and science: An analysis of brazilian postgraduation
Career mobility, Confl ict (Psychology), Faculty, Gender identityAbstract
Gender issues are present in different work environments, including the academic world. This secondary data research aimed to compare, by gender, distribution and scientifi c output of Brazilian faculty who are active in stricto sensu postgraduation. A collection protocol was developed to capture data made available by the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, in the quadrennium 2013-2016 (n = 50.533, 57.5% men). The results indicate no difference in production by gender, but the following gender disparities in the researchers’ career were identifi ed: (i) female prevalence in the areas of Health, Humanities and Linguistics and Arts, and male prevalence in the Exact and Earth Sciences, Engineering and Agrarian Sciences; (ii) gender differences in favor of men in the earning of research productivity scholarships. We conclude that a reduction in gender disparities in science is expected over time, although there is still a male predominance in the scientifi c fi eld.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Suzane Carvalho da Vitória BARROS, Luciana MOURÃO
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