Letter-name knowledge: Predicting reading and writing difficulties
Letter-name knowledge, Reading and writing difficulties, ScreeningAbstract
This study evaluated the precision of a Letter-Name Knowledge task in predicting children at risk/non-risk of reading and writing difficulties in Brazil. A second goal was to compare the precision of classification of two versions of this task: a 26 letter-task and a 15 letter-task. A total of 213 Brazilian children performed the 26 letter-task when they were in kindergarten. Of those children, 176 performed a writing task and 174 performed a reading task in 1st grade Elementary School. The choice of letters for the 15 letter-task was based on the Item Response Theory and on neural network simulation. The results based on the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve analysis, showed that both tasks could be used for screening children with reading and writing difficulties (areas under the curve of 0.83 and 0.80).
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