Development of the Inventory of Supporting for Socio-Emotional Skills, evidence of internal structure controlling for acquiescence



Assessment, Emotional development, Test bias, Test construction


This study aims to develop the Inventory of Supporting for Socio-Emotional Skills, which is an instrument for assessing the support for socio-emotional development provided by teachers, rated by students. It also aims to gather validity evidence of the internal structure of Inventory of Supporting for Socio-Emotional Skills and to control acquiescence. We elaborated the items, which content were evaluated by six experts. For the internal structure, a sample composed of elementary and high-school students (N = 443) was used to answer the instrument. The instrument presented good psychometric parameters after controlling for acquiescence using the Random Intercept Model. The final structure was set as unidimensional. We suggest controlling acquiescence to avoid biased scores. In addition, we make an inventory available that can be helpful for socio-emotional skills development.


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How to Cite

VALENTINI, F., MOSE, L. de B., RAMOS, I. de S., & CONCEIÇÃO, N. M. da. (2023). Development of the Inventory of Supporting for Socio-Emotional Skills, evidence of internal structure controlling for acquiescence. Psychological Studies, 37. Retrieved from

