Inclusion process for children with cerebral palsy: the health professionals perspective
Cerebral palsy, Professional of health, SocializationAbstract
Health professionals have a prominent role in the treatment of children with deficiencies. In view of this prominence, we have investigated how these professionals conceive the inclusion of children with deficiencies. With this object in mind, we conducted
interviews with health professionals, based on two case studies of children with cerebral palsy. To put the verbalizations into context, we also interviewed the children’s parents. Qualitative analysis was based on the network of meanings. Results show that
professionals are used to working within diverse contexts, presenting distinct practices and discourses, which are determined by the institution’s structure and aims. In addition, the professionals’ work was either constrained by the children’s characteristics or by the
family organization. The professional’s intervention with the child with the deficiency depends on the child’s overall incapacity, usually tending to constrain the process of inclusion.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ticiana Melo de Sá RORIZ, Katia de Sousa AMORIM, Maria Clotilde ROSSETTI-FERREIRA
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