Professional interests of high school students: a correlational study between the escala de aconselhamento and self-directed search career explorer


  • Fernanda Argentini SARTORI Universidade São Francisco
  • Ana Paula Porto NORONHA Universidade São Francisco
  • Silvia GODOY Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Rodolfo Augusto Matteo AMBIEL Universidade São Francisco


Psychological assessment, Occupational interests, Occupational guidance


The study of instruments of psychological assessment in the context of vocational guidance is of fundamental importance, since it provides a greater reliability and enriches the interpretation of the results obtained. This research explored the correlation between the dimensions of the escala de aconselhamento profissional and the sections Skills, Careers and Abilities of the Self-Directed Search Career Explorer. The
Vocational Advice Scale is an instrument that evaluates the preferences for vocational activities and the Self-Directed Search Career Explorer draws the typological profile of the individuals’ interests. The participants included 132 students (54.5% were women), with average age of 15.9 years, attending private High Schools in São Paulo state. The results demonstrated significant correlations (p≤0.05) between some
types of Self-Directed Search Career Explorer and the escala de aconselhamento profissional dimensions. Further research should be developed in order to contribute to studies on new or existing instruments.


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How to Cite

SARTORI, F. A. ., NORONHA, A. P. P. ., GODOY, S. ., & AMBIEL, R. A. M. . (2010). Professional interests of high school students: a correlational study between the escala de aconselhamento and self-directed search career explorer. Psychological Studies, 27(2). Retrieved from