Psychosocial aspects of caregivers of children with cancer: stress and coping


  • Ana Maria DEL BIANCO FARIA Universidade de São Paulo
  • Carmen Lúcia CARDOSO Universidade de São Paulo


Caregivers, Stress, Neoplasms


The purpose of this study was to assess the level of stress experienced by caregivers of children with leukemia, the coping strategies they use and to characterize the affective experience towards falling ill. Twenty caregivers participated in the study, which took
place one year after the children began treatment. The following instruments were used: Lipp’s Adult Stress Symptoms Inventory, Coping Strategy Inventory, and a supplementary script. It was found that 50% of the participants experienced stress, most were in
the resistance phase and showed psychological symptoms. Higher income was associated with stress (p=0.02). The major coping strategies used were “problem solving” and “escape and avoidance”. A greater use of the “acceptance of responsibility” strategy was associated with the presence of stress (p=0.04) and not practicing a religion (p=0.003). The analysis of the interviews enabled a grouping into four categories. In conclusion, the caregiver needs support with a view to improving his/her quality of life and to making children feel more welcome.


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How to Cite

DEL BIANCO FARIA, A. M. ., & CARDOSO, C. L. . (2010). Psychosocial aspects of caregivers of children with cancer: stress and coping. Psychological Studies, 27(1). Retrieved from