Social skills repertory, behavioral problems, self-concept and academic performance among children in their early school years


  • Fabiana CIA Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Elizabeth Joan BARHAM Universidade Federal de São Carlos


Self-concept, Academic achievement, Social skills, Behavioral problems, Transition


This study aims to examine the relationships between children’s socio-emotional development (social skills, internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems and self-concept) and their academic achievement. Study participants included 97 mothers and fathers, 99 children in grades one or two, and 20 teachers. The children’s repertory of social skills and behavioral problems was evaluated by parents, teachers and
children (Social Skills Rating Scale). The children’s self-concept was assessed using self-evaluations (Self-description Questionnaire 1); the children’s academic performance was evaluated by the teachers based on the Social Skills Rating Scale, and subsequently together with the children using the School Performance Test. Significant positive correlations were found among the children’s repertory of social skills, self-concept and academic achievement. In addition, these three variables were negatively correlated with the children’s behavioral problems. These results point to there being a relationship between socio-emotional development and academic performance among children at the
school-entry transition stage and the probable benefits of skills programs for children during this period, in either area, with gains also likely in the other area.


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How to Cite

CIA, F. ., & BARHAM, E. J. . (2009). Social skills repertory, behavioral problems, self-concept and academic performance among children in their early school years. Psychological Studies, 26(1). Retrieved from