Microgenetic analysis of the cognitive functioning of children by means of the matix game


  • Christiany Maria Bassetti CAVALCANTE Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Antonio Carlos ORTEGA Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo


Constructivism, Piaget , Jean, Games, Cognitive processes


The objective of this work was to analyze, in a microgenetic context, the cognitive functioning of children by means of the Matix game. Four fourth-grade Elementary School students took part in this research. In the first stage, each child played three games so as to get to know and explore the game. In the second stage, the participants worked in pairs which competed against each other. Then they rotated until everyone had formed pairs and taken part. For the third stage, the participants formed one pair who resolved problem-situations. In the final stage, each participant played a game so as to evaluate the level of understanding achieved by each, after going through the process of social interaction. The results indicated progress in the level of comprehension of the logical system within the Matix game, for all the participants. It was ascertained that cognitive progress seems to be associated with the cognitive conditions of each subject, and with the possibility of inter-relationship with their partners.


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How to Cite

CAVALCANTE, C. M. B. ., & ORTEGA, A. C. . (2008). Microgenetic analysis of the cognitive functioning of children by means of the matix game. Psychological Studies, 25(3). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/7019