Preliminary report on the pictorial recognition memory test: a validity study


  • Fabián Javier Marín RUEDA Universidade São Francisco
  • Fermino Fernandes SISTO Universidade São Francisco


Psychological assessment, Measurement, Memory, Test validity


The aim of this study was to search for valid proof as to the response and developmental process of the Pictorial Recognition Memory Test. The test was conducted on 511 students of both sexes, aged between 10 and 60, all of whom were educated from second-grade elementary school up to college. The test was applied collectively within the classroom environment. As for the proof of validity with the response process, results showed that the items relating to the environments of land, sky and water, which comprised the drawing, produced significantly
contrasting levels of difficulty. These results support the hypothesis that these environments have an effect on the retrieval of previously acquired information. As for developmental validity, results showed that the performance of young adults was better than that of both older and younger individuals.


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How to Cite

RUEDA, F. J. M. ., & SISTO, F. F. . (2008). Preliminary report on the pictorial recognition memory test: a validity study. Psychological Studies, 25(2). Retrieved from