Mother’s interaction training during their children’s homework activity


  • Paula Brandão SCARPELLI Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Carlos Eduardo COSTA Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Sílvia Regina de SOUZA Universidade Estadual de Londrina


children, school performance, mother child relations


The study has evaluated the effectiveness of a mother’s training procedure on the behavior categories “to reinforce the child’s behavior”, “to punish the child’s behavior”, “to give instructions for the child” and “to do the exercise for the child”. Two pairs of mothers and children had participated in this research. Mathematics tasks were delivered to the pairs, and children should complete them under mother’s supervision (Phase 1). In Phase 2, the researcher was inside the room, without intervening. In Phase 3, the token’s economy procedure was used. After ending Phase 3, Phases 2 and 1were re-implemented. In Pair 1 there was an increase of answers on category “to reinforce”, a decrease on categories “to punish”, and “to do the exercise”. On Pair 2 there was an increase of answers on category “to reinforce”, and a decrease on category “to do the exercise”. Modifications in original procedure had been proposed to improve the methodology intervention.


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How to Cite

SCARPELLI, P. B. ., COSTA, C. E., & SOUZA, S. R. de . (2006). Mother’s interaction training during their children’s homework activity. Psychological Studies, 23(1). Retrieved from