Cognitive behavioral group therapy with batterers


  • Mirian Béccheri CORTEZ Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Ricardo da Costa PADOVANI Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Lúcia Cavalcanti de Albuquerque WILLIAMS Universidade Federal de São Carlos


aggression, cognitive-behavior therapy, group therapy, family violence


Many batterers’ characteristics have been described, such as: jealousy, low self-esteem, insecurity and denial of violent behavior. Bandura’s social learning theory emphasizes the influence of the social environment on the aggressive behaviors acquisition, maintenance and development. The Brazilian authors’ literature review did not find enough systematic and specific projects for batterers. The goal of this study was to appraise a cognitive-behavioral group therapy efficiency for batterers, in order to reduce aggressive behaviors. Seven men who had been charged with wife assault participated of the study. The themes and techniques used were: taking responsibility for the aggression anger management, role-playing and time-out. There were eight two-hour weekly sessions for two months. The results were analyzed from the interviews, pre and post test questionnaire responses (Conflict Tactics Scale) and three moments of Follow-up (three, six and twelve months after the process). According to this evaluation, the study’s goals were achieved. Two reincidence episodes were registred.


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How to Cite

CORTEZ, M. B. ., PADOVANI, R. da C. ., & WILLIAMS, L. C. de A. . (2005). Cognitive behavioral group therapy with batterers. Psychological Studies, 22(1). Retrieved from