Hermeneutics, Language and Psychology
Psychology, hermeneutics, hermeneutic method, languageAbstract
This article analyses some theoretical aspects of the possibility of contribution of Hermeneutics to Psychology, provided by Language, a common interface.1t is pointed some language dimensions having interests both to Psychology and hermeneutical activity. After a historical review ofthe hermeneutical positioning and its principais schools, it is briefly discussed the Hermeneutical prohlem, comparing aspects of this methodology to the methodologies of rationalist and empiricist proposals. It is placed the interpretation activity in this realm and the possibility ofunderstanding. The article concludes that, in the ground of Being, Hermeneutics can provide methodological proposals in order to de ai with some difficulties encountered in others theoretical domains. In this sense, and by virtue of language, Hermeneutics' contribution can be useful, mainly in the field of Psychotherapy.
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