Adaptation and Internal Validation ofTwo Empathy Scales for Use in Brazil


  • Sílvia Helena Koller UFRGS
  • Cleonice Camino Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • J'aims Ribeiro Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


empathy, affect, cognition, behavior


The aim oftliis study was to adapt and validate two scales of empathy to be used in Brazil. The Interpersonal Reactivity Index ofDavis (EMRI, in Portuguese) has three subscales: emotional (CE), cognitive (CG), and behavioral (CC) components of empathy. Bryant's Empathy Scale for Children and Adolescents (EECA, in Portuguese) has 22 items. Thirty-two hundred adolescents, high and low SES, 14 to 16 years old, both sexes, ofpublic and private schools of João Pessoa/PB and Porto Alegre/RS were evaluated. The reliability analysis ofthe subscales showed EMRI alpha = 0,75, CE alpha = 0,67, CG alpha = 0,63, CCalpha = 0,54, and EECA alpha = 0,74, which are considered adequate, and recommend the research use ofPortuguese version in Brazil. Convergent validity was found among the EECA scale, CG, CA, and CC subscales of


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How to Cite

Koller, S. H. ., Camino, C., & Ribeiro, J. . (2001). Adaptation and Internal Validation ofTwo Empathy Scales for Use in Brazil. Psychological Studies, 18(3). Retrieved from