Playing at the Hospital: Analysis of Strategies and Resources of the Used with Children


  • Rita Márcia Aragão Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Maria Rita Zoega Soares Azevedo Universidade Estadual de Londrina


hospitalized children, infantile hospitalization, hospital psychology, activities of the games


These research had the objectives to characterize the preference ofresources and activities of the games in agreement with the age groups and, in general to investigate the effectiveness of those resources and activities in the attendance to hospitalized children, facilitating the expression offeelings and acquisition of concepts related to the hospital contexto The target people were thirty six subjects, twenty three male and thirteen female, with ages between nine months and twelve years old, interned in the children ward section of a Londrina's Public Hospital. The data colection was accomplished through the observations reported among the activities developed, and the gaming material used with one ofthe subjects. Was verifyed the relation between the frequency ofusing a kind ofmaterial and activity for each age groups. Deduced that activities or resources they could be explored in certain ages, while
others were accepted in several age groups, however, with different objectives. ln general, it can be said that the resources were effective, making possible the expression of feelings related to the hospitalization.


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How to Cite

Aragão, R. M. ., & Azevedo, M. R. Z. S. . (2001). Playing at the Hospital: Analysis of Strategies and Resources of the Used with Children. Psychological Studies, 18(3). Retrieved from