The video in educational setting: representations of students attending School Psychology graduation


  • Eliana M. S. Rosado PUC-CAMPINAS
  • Neila P. Benzi CNPq/PUC-Campinas
  • Regina Maria P.L. Erbolato CAPES/PUC-Campinas


audiovisual language, content analysis, educational setting, graduation students, questionaire, social representation


The objectives were to explore: the content of representations on the use of video in educational
setting among students attending School Psychology graduation, and the complexity of the argumentation presented by the subjects, according to Moscovici's theoretical framework. A questionnaire was filled by 29 subjects.The data were submittedto statisticaland thematic content analysis. The main results revealed that the subjects conceptions were chiefly based on featores related to the practical dimension of the usage of video (teaching experience) rather than a result of
a theoretical reflexion on the theme. The advantages ofthe audiovisuallanguage were related to an
increase of motivation and improvement of the learning atmosphere, and disadvantages due to teacher' s lack of empowerment and video misusage. Astheory suggests, one can conclude that the evolution ofrepresentations on a given social object takes place slowly. The employment ofthe concept of representation in exploring this subject matter also demonstrated to be pertinent.


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How to Cite

Rosado, E. M. S. ., Benzi, N. P. ., & Erbolato, R. M. P. . (1998). The video in educational setting: representations of students attending School Psychology graduation. Psychological Studies, 15(2). Retrieved from