The functions of reading for undergraduate and graduate students


  • Gracieli Grizzi Lopes de Mendonça
  • Maria Helena Mourão Alves Oliveira PUC-CAMPINAS
  • Marcelo de Almeida Buriti
  • Marisa Bueno Mendes Gargantinia PUC-CAMPINAS


Reading Functions, Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students


The present work aims to study the functions ofreading identified by undergraduate and graduate students by comparing such students according to the use they make of such functions. The sample consisted of25 students (11 graduates and 14undergraduates). The instrument used for this research was the functions ofreading scale. The results ofthis study demonstrate that the students use all functions, being predominant the use oflearning, utility, and leisure functions. Stimulus and defmite social aims were significantly identified. There is no evidence of significant difference
between the two groups. Such fact allows us to question the university' s performance in producing


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How to Cite

Mendonça, G. G. L. de ., Oliveira, M. H. M. A. ., Buriti, M. de A. ., & Gargantinia, M. B. M. . (1997). The functions of reading for undergraduate and graduate students. Psychological Studies, 14(1). Retrieved from