In the same storm, but on different boats

The social determination of mental health during COVID-19



Coronavirus infections, Mental health, ; Social determination of health


The social and health scenario of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 had an impact on the mental health of the population, characterized by strong health inequities. Faced with this problem, this study aimed to analyze the predictor variables of mental health in Brazilians during the pandemic, identifying the most vulnerable groups.
An online survey was carried out, with a non-probabilistic sample of 1.397 Brazilians, who answered a biodemographic and general health questionnaire, analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics.
It was identified that being female, non-heterosexual, unemployed, with low income, and history of mental health comorbidities are predictors of mental health problems. In addition to these, the sample comparisons revealed other groups with greater susceptibility: single and divorced, without religion, with history of COVID-19, maintaining social distancing, and bereaved.
There are groups with greater vulnerability to mental health problems, requiring health policies for prevention and health promotion that are appropriate for different social groups.


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How to Cite

Melo, C. de F., Costa, Ícaro M., Pinheiro, A. L. V., Alves, R. S. F., & Seidl, E. M. F. (2024). In the same storm, but on different boats: The social determination of mental health during COVID-19. Psychological Studies, 41. Retrieved from

