Stereotyped sex-roles in preadolescents' life projects



Sex-roles, sex-stereotypes, life project


Adult sex-roles and family modcls are two important factors that affect the building of preadolescents' life projects. The present study investigated the effects of these factors on the life projects of 62 middle school students, 10 to 11 years old, ofhigh and low SES. The subjects wcrc intcrvicwcd individually. They were probed about their profissional choices, housework, child care, and jobs in general. Toe data showed that the subjects' thinking is sexually stereotyped, and that this thinking affects preadolescents' choices of life projects. Significant sex and SES differences were found. The results point to the need for an educational system that would increase criticai thinking about sex-role in our society.


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How to Cite

Bonamigo, L. de R., & Koller, S. H. (1995). Stereotyped sex-roles in preadolescents’ life projects. Psychological Studies, 12(3). Retrieved from