

Rogers has hypothesized that effective therapy takes place when therapist is congruent in the relationship with the client, is experiencing non-judgemental acceptance of the client and empathic understanding of the c!ient's frame of reference and when the c!ient (who is anxious and vulnerable and the organismic experience is incongruent with the concept of self) perceives the unconditional positive regard and the empathic understanding of the therapist.
Though most psychotherapists accept the conditions Rogers specifies in this hypothesis as necessary, few regard them as sufticient Research over some fifty years has generally supported the theory but has yet to prove it; largely due to excessive interest in the therapist and lack of interest in the phenomenon of effective psychotherapy.
This article examines various aspects of the phenomenon which includes the technique used, culture, belief, the therapeutic relationship and setting. The author urges a careful examination of this phenomenon with particular attention to aspects which have not been researched carefully, such as the self-healing capacity of the client.


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How to Cite

Wood, J. K. (1987). OUTROS ASPECTOS CRIATIVOS EM PSICOTERAPIA. Psychological Studies, 4(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/12334