The development of creativily in the school: possibilities and implications



Crealivity, learning, schools, school psychology, creativity research, creativity tests


The purposc or this study was to dcmonstrate thc various possibilities of working with creativity in the schools. ln order to achievc this goal, a n:view was done of lhe masters' dissertations undertool-. in the last three years at the g;aduate school psychology program of the Pontificial Catholic Unive1·sit) of Campinas. The results obtaincd from the refered research, whcrc subjccts from rnrious ages wen: studied, using scales, tests, or specific trainning programs, indicated that creati\ it:- brings great benetits 1101 only for school achicvcmcnt but also as a way of modifing studems anel teachers' behaviors andaltitudes. ln conclusion, it was remarked lhe school psycholo­ gist's role to de,·elop creativity in the schools, leading to the question oflhe presence ofcreativily in the trainning ofth1s profcssional.


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How to Cite

Wechsler, S. M. (1995). The development of creativily in the school: possibilities and implications. Psychological Studies, 12(1). Retrieved from