Entry of dcak child in Kindcrgarden: conccpts and expcctation of parcnts and profcssionals



Hard hearing child, expectatives, parents, teachers, schoolarship


lt is presented a rcsearch about conceptions of parcnts and professionals on the choice of school systems (regular or special) for deaf children at Elementary School. Toe analysis ofverbalizations of parents and profcssionals indicate the following results: parents value regular school, provided that the child has conditions to accomplish thc school tasks; parcnts consider that inspecial school there is a better communi­ cation with teachers and peers; professionals verbalize more difficulties in adaptation to regular school than parents; parents are worried both with social aspects (specially rejection) and cognitive ones (learning difficulties); profcssionals emphasizc communication and broader educational matters in the planning of schooling for the deaf. It is discussed the relation between those verbalizations and the main theoretical frameworks in deaf education.


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How to Cite

Batista , C. G., & Silva, A. B. de P. e. (1996). Entry of dcak child in Kindcrgarden: conccpts and expcctation of parcnts and profcssionals. Psychological Studies, 13(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/12274