Existencial-Pbenomenological psycbology: philosophical knowledge and scientific production
Psychology, existencialism, phenomenology, scienceAbstract
Trying to understand epistemological place of the Existencial-phenomenological psychology, becomes neccssary the philosophical contextualization of the premise of its human and world views, what has repercussion in its scientifical production. ln this sense,one try articulate the understanding of the Existen cialism and ofthe Phenomenology with the Psychology. Emphasing the intersubjective involviment ofthe psychologist with the subject ofhis studies. Arising from that, oneconclude the processual character ofthese studies, because thc philosophical knowledge warrant them a scientific production looking for a constant opening to the processuality ofmeanings ofthe human existence.
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Copyright (c) 1996 Ana Paula Chaves, Shirley Macêdo, Viviane Mendonça
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.