Fábio Konder Comparato's legacy to human right
a view of Afirmação Histórica dos Direitos Humanos
Fábio K. Comparato, Historical affirmation of human rights, Historical legacyAbstract
The article pays homage to emeritus professor Fábio Konder Comparato, to whom it attributes the promotion of a transforming turn from the legalist standpoint to the historical and ethical point of view in the field of human rights. It analyses the book The historical affirmation of human rights, seen as a turning point for research in Law and a watershed in the intellectual production of the honoured person and in Brazilian culture. It adds a personal report, bringing author memories, to the historical and philosophical analysis, based on bibliographical references. The article brings the legacy of the honouree and the book in the field of human rights. After that, it reflects on the emergence of the book, its starting point and its vision of the History. Then, it shows the honouree’s conception of Utopia at the head of the History. It identifies, in the book, the projection of human rights as a historical lever of the future. It also presents his conception of the human person ahead of and above the Law. It ends with the philosophical view of the world of the honouree as a professor and a humanist.
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