The meaning of freedom in post-fordism




Capitalismo, Crise, Liberdade, Pós-fordismo, Sujeito de direito


How can capitalism transform itself and at the same time remain the same? In the last century, humanity witnessed the incredible plastic capacity of remodeling and reorganization of capitalism, even before crisis that seemed to evidence its definitive collapse. In this article, we seek to investigate the historical particularity of post-fordism as mediation between historical contingency and the laws of motion that determine the capitalist mode of production in what appears under different aspects: abstract freedom of the (legal) subject. Through the presentation of the main characteristics of the current stage of capitalism, the movements of the uprising against the world of labor and the culture of the 1960-1970 years, and the incorporation of criticism itself, the nature of the only possible freedom is questioned inside this historical time.


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How to Cite

Hoshika, T. . (2022). The meaning of freedom in post-fordism . Revista De Direitos Humanos E Desenvolvimento Social, 2, 1–18.


